Mission trips


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This trip to the Philippines was our 101 trip to the nations to win people for Jesus Christ.

When Jesus taught his disciples how to pray he gave them the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer teaches us to pray “your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven” (Matthew 6:10).

In the parable of the prodigal son, we can read about the father that “...but while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him” (Luke 15:20b). This is a picture of the father God who loves and longs for his creature. When the Son, Jesus Christ, came to earth, he said: “For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost” (Luke 19:10). Before his suffering, death, resurrection and ascension he told them about the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who were to come. “When he comes, he will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment” (John 16:8).

These scriptures tell us that God our Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit wants people to come to the knowledge of truth and be saved. God looks for his lost creature, Jesus seeks them and the Holy Spirit convinces the creature of sin, righteousness and judgment, so they can come to faith in Jesus, call upon his name and be saved.

Our number one priority in Word of Freedom is for people to be saved. We will not change our message or program as time and trends changes. Whenever we travel on a mission trip to the nations, it is because we want people to have a meeting with Jesus Christ, who will change them forever!

Surf Miputak and Liloy

Our program included crusades/evangelical campaigns and preaching in local churches. Many were changed and touched by this, even though some stayed at home due to the rain season. Our first crusade was located in Surf Miputak, outside Dipolog City. This is a small place, where the majority are fishermen. It is great poverty here, as well as alcohol problems and gambling. Since it’s not much else going on, several came to hear a foreigner preach. And listened they did. When an invitation was given to receive Jesus as their saviour around 65 people gave a response! The change in them was visible, they were beaming, describing a joy and peace they had never felt before. Jesus also confirmed his wonderful word by healing people. As a result of this crusade, a new church was planted, and a pastor was inaugurated.

People in Surf Miputak receiving Christ. They went from death to life, from darkness to light. They were so grateful to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our second crusade took place in Liloy, about a three hour drive from Dipolog City. About 40 people got saved during our to services here. The conviction of sin was so strong, some came crying forward to repent of their sins even before the invitation was given! It is serious not to know your time of visitation. At the last service Ingebrigt admonished the attendants that they do not have a guarantee for tomorrow. The next morning there was a landslide in the area which destroyed four houses, and killed two people.

People receiving Christ in Liloy. Some came forth crying before an invitation was given.

The miracles

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever more. He does not change, but does the same works as He did when He was on earth 2000 years ago. In Liloy the Lord confirmed his Word, and did great miracles.

12 year old Chris Mae Jame Alga was born deaf-mute. She was walking by our location and came in to see what was going on. A woman from the church saw her and brought her forward. This would totally change her life. The picture shows Ingebrigt rebuking the deaf-mute spirit!


After intercession Ingebrigt snapped his fingers, and Cris Mae Jane heard it! For the first time in her life. The assembly went completely silent, as the young girl said her first words ever. Glory to God!!

81 year old David Pacaro had a cloudy vision, but after intercession he could see clearly. He came to the service using a staff, and left saved, sighted and in no need of his staff.

We could have written a book about all the wonderful things Jesus did for the people in Surf Miputak and Liloy. The testimonies included here is to witness that Jesus has not changed! At the end of every service the ones whose lives were changed, stood up and thanked Jesus for what he had done.

With hands lifted, we expressed our gratitude to Christ.

Zamboanga del Norte

The Philippines is divided into provinces. One of them is Zamboanga del Norte, where Dipolog City is the provincial capital. This province with its 1 million inhabitants is among the poorest in the country. In may 2013 they held an election, and made Roberto Uy the provincial governor. Roberto is on fire for Jesus, and his agenda is to fight corruption, rebuild the province and spread the gospel. Ingebrigt and Roberto have known each other for several years, and when he heard Ingebrigt was doing a crusade in this province he borrowed him his official car and his driver, to help us share the gospel. He also opened a door for Ingebrigt to preach, and pray for, the employees in the provincial administration.


Poor road conditions caused by the rain season was no problem with this 4x4.

Every Monday they hold a flag ceremony in the provincial administration. Ingebrigt, as the first foreigner, preaches the Word of God to the 300 employees.

On our last night there, Ingebrigt was invited to the governor for dinner. In the picture you see governor Roberto Uy, Ingebrigt Hoset and Pastor Vicente Barbarona Jr. enjoying a good meal, and rejoicing because of what Jesus has done during our stay

Closing words

Our missionary trip number 101 is completed. Around 105 people received Christ, and a new church was planted. Change has come to Suf Miputak and Liloy, God will give growth, and the results of this trip is eternal.

This is our calling, and our hearts are on fire to reach more people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. If you would like to be a part of this work, either by supporting financially or as an intercessor, please feel free to contact us.

God bless you!

Webmaster: Dan Hoset Word of Freedom, 6650 Surnadal, Norway